Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feature and Follow #20

Follow Friday is a really fun way to make new blogger friends and promote your blog in the process! This weekly meme is hosted byAlison Can Read and Parajunkee

This week's question:
What is a deal breaker for you in a book?

Well, bad-editing is definitely one. I HATE it when I'm trying to enjoy a book and my brain keeps getting distracted by all these typo and grammar mistakes. I promise I'm not a grammar nazi, but seeing this problem repeatedly in books drives me nuts!

I also need characters that I can like or identify with. I know that not every character in a book is necessarily relatable, but at the very least, I need to be able to put up with them. Otherwise, there's no way I'm going to trudge through 300 pages reading about people I don't even like. 

Well, that's my answer. I'd love it if you could leave me a link to yours in the comments--for some reason, I just love getting to know people's pet peeves! 
Also, don't forget to check out my blogoversary giveaway!!


  1. Hi! I'm a new follower!

    Um. My French is a little rusty. J'adore lire! HAHA. (x

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yep. I totally agree with you. Old follower~

    - Cindy

  3. Agreed. Great answers. Old follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  4. I so agree with you on the typos! I don't think I'm a grammar nazi either, but sometimes the mistakes are so bad, I wonder at how it could have been missed, and that takes me out of the story. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower through GFC!
    My FF post

  5. Nice points! Bad grammar doesn't bother me too much, but if it's constant than yeah it bugs me. Makes me want that proofreader's job too!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Grammar nazi?! Hahaha! I agree with you though... Bd grammar just makes me want to stop reading!

    New follower here!

    It would be great if you could stop by my Feature and Follow Friday post.
    We also have an INT PB Giveaway (Murmur Of The Lonely Brook by Debashis Dey) going on, do participate if you like!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  7. I do hate bad editing, which seems to be common now. I also have to relate to my characters.

    thanks for stopping by.

  8. I completely agree! I have to relate to the character.
    Happy Friday!
    Here's my FF.

  9. I need to have feelings for a character, otherwise I don't care about the story and I will put it down. Great answer!

    FF @thedailyprophecy.

  10. Great answer. It does help to be able to relate to a character. To me, as long as characters have depth, I'm okay with reading even if I don't like them. At least I'm able to understand them.
    And bad editing is quite annoying.
    Thanks for stopping by! Old Follower via GFC.
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  11. I also can't stand when there are no likable/relateable characters!
    Old Follower
    My FF

  12. Bad editing is one of mine also, I agree.

  13. Bad editing can be very annoying. Only a good story can make up for it. But I agree. If I don't like the MC it's hard to get through the book. I've read only one book this year where I actually didn't like either MC but the book was amazing (probably because you weren't supposed to like the MCs).

    new follower. Here's my FF:

  14. Un-relatable or unredeemable characters are definitely a deal breaker. And bad grammar can be extremely distracting! Great answers. Thanks for stopping by my post.

  15. Hi ya!

    Yep this was my first FF.. figured I would join in the fun. :) I know what you mean about love triangles being 'right'. I am going to start the Clockwork books just before Princess comes out so that I can enjoy them all in a row but it is taking everything in me not to start them ASAP. I am dying to fall in love with the boys. :P

    I agree with editing also. If/when I find a mistake it is like my brain just keeps going back to it on the page and I wonder how the editor missed it if I can see it.

    Christine x

  16. I definitely need to identify with a character in order to enjoy a story. I don't always have to like them, but they need to resonate in some way. I hate poor editing as well. Old follower.

  17. Having characters that you can relate to is the key. I'm afraid to say that I find it difficult to appreciate a book if the character has completely different values than myself--for instance, if they are liars or cheaters.

    New follower on GFC. Read my FF here

  18. mantap gan infonya dan salam sukses selalu

  19. bagus bos artikelnya dan menarik

  20. keren mas buat infonya da semoga bermanfaat

  21. Kabar Baik Untuk Para pencinta Game
    Karena di Bulan januari ini Sudah keluar Game RPG Online Terpopuler Se-Asia
    Penasarankan Game nya Seperti apa???
    Kalian bisa dilihat game nya dari link di bawah yaaa

  22. Mau mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan ramah???

    Modal Kecil bisa mendapatkan hasil yg luar biasa...

  23. Menarik sekali, perlu saya coba ini..
    kebetulan lagi cara tentang hal ini.

  24. ok mantap sob buat infonya dan salam kenal

  25. keren mas buat infonya dan salam sukses selalu

  26. makasih gan buat infonya dan semoga bermanfaat

  27. semoga sukses ya gan. ditunggu updatenya gan


Thanks so much for commenting! I read every single one and they always make my day! <3

*Sorry, this is now an awards-free blog as I've already been nominated for them. Thanks for your consideration!


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